一、概述 General
QYDL-BWD3K130B型电脑温控器是我公司为干式电力变压器可靠运行而设计的最新一代多功能电脑温度控制器。通过预埋在变压器绕组中的三只Pt100铂热电阻来检测变压器绕组的温升情况,并根据温升自动控制风机的启停,具备超温报警和超温跳闸功能。温控器采用最新的内置高分辨力A/D转换器,RISC单片计算机和I 2C总线调整与存储技术,依据JB/T7631-94标准设计生产,结构简单,功能齐全,抗干扰能力强,长期运行可靠。温控器还具有“黑匣子”功能,可记录变压器停电时刻三相绕线组的温度及温控器的工作状态,以方便用户分析停电原因。
Model QYDL-BWD3K130B computerized thermostat is a new generation of multifunctional thermostat specially designed and developed by our company for dry type electric power transformers. It monitors the temperature rise of the transformer windings through three pieces of Pt100 Platinum Thermisters pre-embeded in the windings, and automatically controls the start and stop of the fan according to the sensed temperature rise. And it also has overheat alarm and overheat trip functions. The thermostat adopts the latest built-in high resolution A/D converter, RISC monolithic computer, and I 2C bus line modulating and memory technology, design and production are based on JB/T7631-94 standard, it features complete functions, simple structure, high antijamming capability, long time stable and reliable performance. The thermostat also has a black box function which records the temperature of the three-phase windings and the working state of the thermostat where there is power failure, so that the user can analyze the cause of the power failure according to the recorded data.