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QYDL-BWD3K130E传感器参数Sensor parameter      Pt100  Φ3mm×20mm  

QYDL-BWD3K130E抗干扰性能:Anti jamming property


温控箱的电源线和输入/输出端能承受频率为5kHz、电压分别为1kV0.5kV的电快速瞬变试验,显示和控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。 Electric quick transient

The power cord and input/output terminals of the temperature control box can endure an electric quick transient test of 5 kHz in frequency and 1kV to 0.5kV in voltage, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.


温控箱能承受4kV的静电放电10次试验,显示及控制附加误差限的绝对 值均满足标准要求。 Static disturbance

Te temperature control box can endure 10 times of 4kV static discharge; both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard r

③ 共模和串模干扰:  对共模250VAC/50Hz或串模200mVAC/50Hz干扰电压,显示和控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。    ③ Common mode serial mode interference:  For the interference voltage of 250VAC/50Hz for common mode or 200mVAC/50Hz for serial mode, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.


   温控箱放置在50Hz400A/m的交流磁场中,并处于最不利的位置和方向 上,显示及控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。 External magnetic field affect

Te temperature control box is put in an alternating magnet field of 50Hz400A/m and placed in a most unfavorable position and direction, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.


温控箱能承受频率为80MHz1000MHz,磁场强度为3V/m的幅射电磁场试验,其示值和控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。 Space radiofrequency interference

Te temperature control box can endure radiating electromagnetic field test with 80MHz1000MHz frequencies and 3V/m radiation, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.  

QYDL-BWD3K130E触点容量 Contact rating

风机Fan                  AC240V/30AAC120V/45A



QYDL-BWD3K130E传感器参数Sensor parameter      Pt100  Φ3mm×20mm  

QYDL-BWD3K130E抗干扰性能:Anti jamming property:


温控箱的电源线和输入/输出端能承受频率为5kHz、电压分别为1kV和0.5kV的电快速瞬变试验,显示和控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。 ① Electric quick transient:

The power cord and input/output terminals of the temperature control box can endure an electric quick transient test of 5 kHz in frequency and 1kV to 0.5kV in voltage, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.


温控箱能承受4kV的静电放电10次试验,显示及控制附加误差限的绝对 值均满足标准要求。 ②Static disturbance:

Te temperature control box can endure 10 times of 4kV static discharge; both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard r

③ 共模和串模干扰:  对共模250VAC/50Hz或串模200mVAC/50Hz干扰电压,显示和控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。    ③ Common mode serial mode interference:  For the interference voltage of 250VAC/50Hz for common mode or 200mVAC/50Hz for serial mode, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.


  温控箱放置在50Hz、400A/m的交流磁场中,并处于最不利的位置和方向 上,显示及控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。 ④ External magnetic field affect:

Te temperature control box is put in an alternating magnet field of 50Hz、400A/m and placed in a most unfavorable position and direction, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.

⑤ 空间射频干扰:  

温控箱能承受频率为80MHz~1000MHz,磁场强度为3V/m的幅射电磁场试验,其示值和控制附加误差限的绝对值均满足标准要求。 ⑤ Space radiofrequency interference:

Te temperature control box can endure radiating electromagnetic field test with 80MHz~1000MHz frequencies and 3V/m radiation, both the displayed value and the controlled absolute value of additive error limit can meet the standard requirement.  

QYDL-BWD3K130E触点容量 Contact rating

风机Fan                  AC240V/30A或AC120V/45A

超温报警Overheat alarm    AC240V/10A或AC120V/15A或DC24V/10A 超温跳闸 Overheat trip      AC240V/10A或AC120V/15A或DC24V/10A

QYDL-BWD3K130E外型尺寸Exterior size             80mm×160mm×142mm

QYDL-BWD3K130E嵌装开孔尺寸Embed opening size   153mm×77mm

eat alarm    AC240V/10AAC120V/15ADC24V/10A 超温跳闸 Overheat trip      AC240V/10AAC120V/15ADC24V/10A

QYDL-BWD3K130E外型尺寸Exterior size             80mm×160mm×142mm

QYDL-BWD3K130E嵌装开孔尺寸Embed opening size   153mm×77mm

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