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Detects and displays alternately the temperature of the three- phase windings in the transformer, or only displays the winding with the highest temperature among the transformer‟s three- phase windings. In alternating display mode, each phase is displayed for about 6 seconds each time.

2.故障声光报警:传感器故障时相应的A、B、C相指示灯亮,同时风机启动,温控器内发出„滴滴‟声并接通报警触点。LED显示„X-HO‟或„X-LO‟,„X‟表示故障相位。  Light and sound fault alarm: In case the sensor has troubles, the corresponding indicator lamp for A, B, and C phase will glow, at the same time, the fan starts to run, the thermostat gives out alarm sound and connect the alarming contact. The LCD displays „X-HO‟ or „X-LO‟,„X‟ indicates phase.


Fan stating and stopping function: When the temperature of any of the three-phase windings in the transformer reaches the preset automatic start value of the fan, the fan will start to run automatically and the fan indicator lamp glows. When the temperature values of all the three-phase windings in the transformer are lower than the automatic stop value of the fan, the fan will stop to run automatically.

4.超温报警功能:当变压器三相绕组中有一相绕组温度达到设定的超温报警温度值时温控器发出声、光报警,并接通报警输出端子,提供一组开关信号给远方的控制柜。   Overheat alarm function: When the temperature of any of the three-phase windings in the transformer reaches the preset overheat alarm value, the thermostat will give out sound and light alarms, and connect the alarm output terminal to provide a group of on off signals to the far end control cabinet.


Overheat trip function: When the temperature of any of the three-phase windings in the transformer reaches the preset overheat trip value, the thermostat will connect the trip output terminal to provide a group of on off signals to the far end control cabinet, which will start up the trip circuit.  


(In order to prevent unnecessary trip by occasional factors, a 5-second delay is designed.)


Manual fan starting and stopping function: Pressing the fan button, the fan will start up, pressing the fan button again, the fan will stop. When the fan is manually started, it will stop automatically after about 15 minutes if it is not stopped manually.

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